Welcome to Mari’s vocaloid card!

this is simply a carrd about my vocaloid interest, I separated this from my carrd to beat the capitalism allegationswhile I don’t have access to actual vocal synth programs like utau, I still love vocaloid and vocal synth in general! it’s my biggest interest since January of this year,so feel free to talk to me about it!
(Im planning to get ace studio when it gets out of maintenance hehe)
all art is made by arusechika

who are my favorite producers?

  • xyxyz/x0o0x_

  • azari

  • chinozo

  • nulut/nuyuri/lanndo

  • kanaria

  • pinnochiop

  • meddmia

  • manika

  • syudou

  • hiiragi magnetite

  • deco*27

  • kairiki bear

  • hiiragi kirai

  • nilfruits

  • nakiso

  • kashii moimi

  • wotaku

  • john/tooboe

  • nekomanma

  • yugica

  • guchiry

  • fushi

  • surii

  • glue

  • ichi

  • natsuyama yotsugi

  • fty

  • ghost and pals

  • ponkansoup

  • ferry

  • vane

  • rip-p

  • kikuo

  • maretu

  • toa

  • jin

  • omoi

  • sumia

  • yunosuke

  • and more I’ll probably add on to if I remember that is

these are my favourite vocal synth producers! the ones in bold are my absolute favourites, the ones in italic are the ones I haven’t listened to much of, but I still like a bit! feel free to suggest stuff from them to menote : for kikuo and maretu,while I like their music,I don’t support any actions they’ve done in the past or present


tap on cassiel to go back!

how many names have I made up for vocaloid mv characters?

way too much,to the point where I have to make a list in order to keep track of them because I use them in convos about them a lot,here’s a full (and unnecessarily long) list of them!some aren’t from actual vocaloid mvs,but I think they look neat so I’m naming them too

x0o0x_ / xyxyz

  • hasumi hencho (x0o0x_ girl)

  • kuruge hencho (くぐる (get through) / x0o0x_ x wolpis carter)

  • seisai hencho (ספירות / x0o0x_ x sekai)


  • shad (shadow shadow)

  • casi (casino)

  • mare (nightmare)

  • blakua yamazaki (black out)

  • huu aisatsu (who?)

  • gwess (be my guest)


  • fuschia rosewood (ロウワー (lower ones eyes) - note : this is the witch

  • lapis spruce (ロウワー (lower ones eyes) - note : this is the maid

  • verdigris cadet (ロウワー (lower ones eyes) - note : this is the butler, yes,bi gave him a name

  • apollo (フィクサー (fixer)

  • shashin sanryokyo (プロトディスコ (proto disco)

  • koware sanryokyo (フラジール (fragile)


  • ansa bianchi (king)

  • rosamund bianchi (queen)

  • will clarke (アイロニック (ironic) - yes, i know the character in the video is will compass, this is the name for a oc i based off him

  • fielleuse farceur (エンヴィーベイビー (envy baby)

  • kiyoko mikan (百鬼祭 (hundred demon festival)

  • sekiga nisemono (eye)

  • nisemono (酔いどれ知らず (an unaware drunk)

  • mira kamizuka (mira)

  • anais lavinge (アイデンティティ (identity) - this is the black maid

  • anna lavinge (アイデンティティ (identity) - this is the white maid


  • nanase rena (グッバイ宣言 (goodbye sengen)

  • kenji tanaka (シェーマ (shamer)

  • hideo aikazawa (tamaya)

  • aoi kikumoto (ジェラシス (jealousies)

  • petasa kikumoto (ペタペタ (peta peta)

  • akio nakaya (ショットガン・ナウル (shotgun all)

  • tomo nakaya (シナギ (synergy)

  • hinata kiyama (和音 (waon)

  • hiro fueki (hero)

  • haruto fueki (flyer!)

  • mu chomusu (ムシ (insect) - this is the blue one (aoi)

  • shi chomusu (ムシ (insect) - this is the pink one (akane)

  • irodori musaku (シックマン (sickman)

  • kanraku genyou (チーズ (cheese)

  • syouji ahane (プルーヴェ (prouve)

  • purin ashikaga (シャットダウン!(shutdown!)

  • kinomi aisuru (the girl with a blue coat from ベリベリラブ (very berry love)


  • koi hakkaimomo (恋の恋による恋のための恋 (love for love by love of love)

  • noel tsukikage (ノンブレス・オブリージュ (non breath oblige)

  • kami (神っぽいな (god-ish)

  • usagi tsukikage (loveit)

  • zephyr (404)


  • mafua (mafia)

  • kane (shanti)

  • himari (ジェヘナ (gehenna)

  • claire (dogma)

  • florescer olsen (ヨルムンガンド (jörmungandr)


  • yua sakura (雁首、揃えてご機嫌よう (now, line up and give your regards)

  • asobi kaimaku (お遊戯会、はじまりはじまり (playtime is starting again)

  • youki tamashi (ピエロ様、ご覧よ無様 (mr. clown is trying to be unpresentable)


  • haruka sagifusu (遥花は帰らない (haruka never returns) - this is the purple scientist

  • shimika onaji (遥花は帰らない (haruka never returns) - this is the yellow scientist

  • ren nakagawa (リアリズム (realism)

  • atsuyo nishimura (ブルージー・パレイド (bluesy parade)

  • minato nakagawa (blue boy in アイロニカルユートピア (ironical utopia)

  • “momo” (pink girl in シニカルディストピア (cynical dystopia) and アイロニカルユートピア (ironical utopia)

  • cerulean castedras (ダンシング・シーフ (dancing theif) - this is the male thief

  • liss mercier (ダンシング・シーフ (dancing theif) - this is the female thief

  • merlot marcider (バッド・ヘイト・エンド (bad hate end) and ッド・デッド・エンド (bad dead end)

  • harper reflet (the white haired witch in 魔女と精霊の詩 and onwards)

  • sage alnoah (the yellow haired witch in 魔女と精霊の詩 and onwards)

  • emilia eidothea (ラズライト 〜魔女の紡いだ音色〜 (lazurite the tone played by the witch )

  • melusine scylla (眠れぬ森のマーメイド (sleeping mermaid)


  • yoru gyokuseki (寄るなガーネット (yoru na garnet)

  • raikun tatsu (ラッカンライア (rakkan liar)

  • misei goukanri (超スーパーウルトラホット (hyper super ultra hot)

  • reizou fuzakeru (凛と眩惑洒落焦がれ (yearning for a dazzling cold joke)

  • akichi joukou (偽色街 (faux-color city) and 抜け殻ネオンシティ (empty neon city)

  • yuu (キッカイケッタイ (horror terror)


  • yoiya gyokuseki (yoiyami step)

  • amane hadairo (レクデンシー (lecdency) - this is the girl

  • kii sukoyaka (レクデンシー (lecdency) - this is the boy

  • yameru hadairo (ソシアルイル (social ill) - this is the dark haired boy

  • chiharu kiiro (ソシアルイル (social ill) - this is the lighter haired boy

  • tenka sukoyaka (オプテミズム (optimism)

  • kudoku wakareme (どくどくこどく(gushing loneliness)

  • kage kikuchi (white haired boy from towabanaya)

  • asahi oba (dark haired boy from towabanaya)

natsuyama yotsugi

  • yotaka miyako (東京ナイトホーク (tokyo nighthawk)

  • shou “alice” arigaya (アリスのマジカルハッピーワールド (alice’s magical happy world)

  • corinne parker (テンミニッツ・カジノ (ten minutes casino)

  • reme kusuri (レメディ・レディ) (remedy lady)

  • akai yorusaki (ブラッディ・ナイトパーティ (bloody night party)*

  • hibiki amamiya (半透明ピエロ) (translucent clown)

  • hanami kuchisaki (染み付いて幸福 (seeping happiness)

  • ramona delieur (カラクリ逃亡劇 (tricky escape)

  • arinett delieur (マリオネット世に憚る / marionette’s grow apace)

  • sephi archangelo (ウィングレス・エンゼル (wingless angel)

  • ariadne albrecht (エンドレス・スヌーズ (endless snooze)

  • cimon albrecht (ロストハートバットエイク (lost heart but ache)

  • fukuro mamono (吸欠鬼 (vampire)

  • ayamari oseru (ホワイトアウトシネマ (whiteout cinema)

  • kyou kutsuki (ミラーボーイ (mirror boy)

  • shihei yasaki (ミメシス (mimesis)

miscellaneous arusechika characters

  • seida mairuji (盛大わ勘違い!(what a big misunderstanding!) / ichi)

  • gurumi yorusaki (エラーダンス (error dance) / kairiki bear)

  • hasuzu nijuri (曖昧ステップ (ambiguous steps) / ooe calcy)

  • neia nijuri (トートネニア (tod nenia) / higateru)

  • ozora shiika (ヱスケイプ (escape) / fushi)

  • murasa kawaji (サヂイ (sadi) / fushi)

  • ichimi fukka (ネクロマンスラヴ (necromancer love) / fushi)

  • kaori fujioka (シークレットガール (secret girl) / kokotaro)

  • asuka miura (心にもない (insincerity) / saikawa)

  • hina miura (鼻が長ければゾウなのか? (if it’s nose is long, is it an elephant?) / saikawa)

  • hitomi kutsuki (平気なんですよ本当に (it doesn’t matter, really) / sohbana)

  • parler auclair (パルレ (parler) / michibata no ishi)

  • shio sainara (永久凍土 (permafrost) / michibata no ishi)

  • deces archangelo (デュッセ (décès) / zangi)

  • hanae momoka (純な (Impurity) / rukaku)

  • kimeru tsunoru (暴発性エマージェンス (violent emergence) / rukaku)

  • Hayari Takoushou (euphobia / yunogi shiro)


  • florentine spruce (身体は正直だって言ってんの (just saying, the body is honest) / shikiura)

  • nyatu (nyatualien girl)

  • hametsu yowaki (ジャックポットサッドガール (jackpot sad girl) / syudou)

  • .poem (マシンガンポエムドール (machine gun poem doll) / cosmop)

  • noro nonoshiri (ノロ (noro) / shimon)

  • ai rabyuuka (ラブカ? (love ka?) / hiiragi kirai)

  • akina murakami (フォニイ (phony) / tsumiki)

  • hiromitsu hirana (guru / jin)

  • fuko kujoko (インサニティブルー (insanity blue) / kashii moimi) - this is the scientist boy

  • verbi anders (幸福排除システム (happiness removal system) / ren suimin)

  • yue (ユエイル (yueir) / yugica)

  • kusare ikebana (共犯者 / misumi)

  • furi hananaki (まにまに (at the mercy) / r-906)

  • niiko (地球の裏 (leave you on the back of the earth) / iyowa)

also,this is a paneeec carrd,if I’m not listing the names I have for the paneeec characters then what the hell am I doing

  • hime nenneko (ねむいひとのうた (song of a sleepy person) / saikawa)

  • raziel clamatis (エンジェル (angel) / glue)

  • niru adimiari (ニル・アドミラリに聞いてみた / manika)

  • hyde mythokyl (アカイライワズライ (mythomania) / natsuyama yotsugi)

  • seira koriseru (ナイナイナンセンス (nonsense) / rukaku)

  • kenka miokuri (オートクラシー (autocracy) / gar0n)

  • tairo usagiami (ボウエイホンノウ (defensive instinct) / shishido)

  • cassiel maliss (サレンド (surrend) / iri yule)

  • aratoka meiyoku (変幻自在 (phantasmagorical) / ichi)

  • maimu harasa (人並み人生ライフ (a life as good as anyone else’s) / meddmia)

  • fuki noichi (ナイトゲームアドバンス (night game advance) / itomap)

  • sakayo itsuwari (君ノ嘘と僕の嘘 (your lie and my lie) / nekto)

  • hana shirabe (ヒースノート (heathnote) / see)

  • maddelein a. (alice) adler (アリスコード (alice code) / higateru)

  • mikasa utame (眠り姫を見る (watching sleeping beauty) / naruno)

  • azazel videmori (疲れた天使 (tired angel) / take isu)

(for kenji and rena,those are their canon names,I just wanted to include them because I feel bad about leaving them out)(yotaka and shou’s names are from nix (@nyanbinarii on twitter),shout out to the other most insane natsuyama yotsugi fan)


(tap on raziel to go back!)